Trinity Squared


Acryclic on panel
38 x 60cm

A large section of the North Eastern Hemisphere is covered by dense temperate and boreal forests. Over an area of approximately 500 square kilometres, the skyline is dotted sporadically with large monolithic structures, particularly interesting as they all hover around ten to twenty metres above the treeline.

Our surveys have located sixty of these structures. During this expedition, we have visited twenty-four to carry out in-depth analysis and observation.

One of the most intriguing is Monolith Eighteen, known informally within the team as ‘Trinity²’.

The structure has six distinct components, all floating independently of one another, though seemingly all locked as part of the main structure. Our readings show that the structure moves according to tree growth and decay. It is positioned exactly fifteen metres above the treeline; a distance which is maintained as trees grow, fall or move; almost as if it is anchored, though there is no perceivable physical or field structure facilitating this.

As yet, we have yet to determine how the structure floats. Matter can pass through the spaces between each component (the local avian population is particularly fond of the Monolith as a seasonal roost), and there aren't any fields in place, certainly not those that are detectable or apparent to our equipment.

When the wind rises above five or six kilometres per hour the structure emits a low, broad, groaning sound. Despite the rather busy ambient noise produced by the forest and its inhabitants, the sound, when it occurs, though undeniably harmonic, is very unsettling.